M. Hadi Semati

Former  Visiting Scholar

M.A.. and Ph.D. from the University at Tennessee at Knoxville.

  • Farsi

This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Mohammed Hadi Semati is a leading Iranian political scientist and was a visiting scholar with the Democracy and Rule of Law Project, in particular its Middle East Political Reform Initiative. M. Hadi Semati is on leave from his position as assistant professor in the faculty of Law and Political Science at Tehran University. He is a prolific writer and frequent commentator on Iranian domestic and foreign affairs, including Iran¡¦s security issues, political reform in Iran, Arab-Iranian relations, and the Islamic revolution.

Selected Publications: The Coming Generation in Iran: Challenges and Opportunities, Security in the Persian Gulf: Origins, Obstacles, and Search for Consensus (Palgrave, 2002); Iran's Security Priorities, Gulf Security: Opportunities and Challenges for the New Generation (Sherrens Printers, 2000); Gahani Shodan Va Ravabeteh Beinolmelal: Moamaey Siasat Dar Asr Pasa Modrn. Siasateh Khareji 14 (Paiz) 1379; (Globalizations and International Relations: Politics in the Post-Modern Age. Foreign Policy 14 (Fall), 2000. Jame'eh Madani: Melli Ya Gahami. In Jame'eh Madani: Usul, Roykardha Va Zaminehay Sheklgiri An Dar Jomhuri Eslami Iran. Tehran: Pajouheshkadey Motaleat Rahbordi, 1999. (Civil Society: National or Transnational. In Civil Society: Principles, Approaches and the Context of its Development in Iran. Tehran: Center for Strategic Studies, 1999.); Jonbeshhaye Ejtemai Va Tahlile Goftemani: Az Raftar Ta Konesh Gamei Gofteman 41 (Paiz), 1377. (Social Movements and Discourse Analysis: From Collective Behavior to Collective Action.¡¨ Discourse, (Fall) no.41, 1998.) Civil Society in Iran: Continuity and Change. In Khair el-Din Haseeb, Arab-Iranian Relations. (Center for Arab Unity Studies, 1998); Bohrane Tasmin Giri Dar Dastgahe Siasat Khareji Amrika: Royaroui Ba Enghelabe Eslami Iran. Majjaleh Daneshkadeh Hoghough Va Olumeh Siasi, (Bahar) no. 39, 1377. (Decision-Making Crisis in U.S. Foreign Policy Machinery: Confronting Islamic Revolution of Iran. Faculty of Law and Political Science Quarterly, (Spring) no.39, 1988.); Nazarieyah Basie Manabe Va Enghelab Eslami Iran, Mjjaleh Daneshkadeh Hoghough Va Olumeh Siasi, (Paiz) no.35, 1375. (Resource Mobilization Theory and the Islamic Revolution of Iran.(Fall) no. 35, 1986.)

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