Vladimir Milov

Former  Visiting Scholar

B.S., Moscow Mining University

  • English
  • Russian

This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Vladimir Milov was a visiting scholar with the Carnegie Endowment’s Russia and Eurasia Program. He is the president of the Institute of Energy Policy, an independent think tank based in Moscow, and the former Deputy Energy Minister of the Russian Federation.

Milov is a renowned energy, infrastructure development, and regulatory policy strategist in Russia. He has played leading roles in the development of Russian gas, electricity and railway sector reforms, Russian energy and transport strategies, and subsoil regulation legislation. Milov is the author of numerous concept and analysis papers related to Russian energy and infrastructure problems.
Prior to becoming the Deputy Energy Minister, he previously served as an advisor to the Minister of Energy and in 2001 led the energy expert team within the Center for Strategic Research, a government-linked think tank. Milov headed the economic analysis department of the natural monopoly regulator, the Federal Energy Commission of Russia, from 1997-2001. 

A frequent contributor to Russian and international media, Milov is a regular columnist for the daily Russian business newspaper Vedomosti and his opinion pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times.

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